Kolkata, is situated in the northern eastern side of India.It is the Capital City of West Bengal. Kolkata was also known as Calcutta back in 1773 when India was under the British Raj. It was also the capital of India before Delhi. It has been on the wishlist of many people. Today Kolkata is known for its Cultural background, Architecture, Mesmerizing Beauty, Tradition,and lots of Car honking.

When one visits Kolkata there are many place that Kolkata has to offer him. But some interesting places like the Howrah Bridge, The Queen Victoria Memorial, The House of Mother Theresa, The Tram, Kalighat Temple and many more.

So let’s go in this imaginary journey; Shall we??

So,The first stop, The Queen Victoria Memorial.

Queen Victoria Memorial

So as you can see in this picture; this is an exact dupe of The Queen Victoria Memorial in London. But dont forget it is in Kolkata. This was built in the memory of the Deceased Queen Victoria when India was under the British Raj . It still stands healthy and tall along the outskirts of kolkata.

So now lets move along… The next is the Howrah Bridge.

Howrah Bridge

Well this bridge has been quite famous also. You might have not known the name directly but after looking at the picture you realised you have seen it somewhere. And where else can it be in movies, serials and documentaries. And many more places. This bridge has an architecteye like none other. It is said that it seems like as if it is built using neurons.

House of Mother Theresa

This is the place of the Charity sisters and One of the Most famous personality was working hard. Mother Theresa. She was born on 5th September 1910. Till today her work is carried on by her fellow sisters running the missionaries of charity.

In this place there one can see the wonderful work Mother Theresa did through pictures displayed all the the place. It also has the tomb of Mother Theresa and people can go pay visit to her.

The tomb of Mother Theresa

Getting along ; Kolkata is also known for its festivals and cutures and traditions. One of me most famous festival celebrated all along kolkata is

The Durga Puja. The most iconic and blessed. Also known as the ten armed warrior.

Goddess Durga

Women dress in white saree with red borders. The Goddess Durga is worshipped with lamps and frankincense. It is said that 10 handed goddess is said to end the evil and bring victory. Hence she is worshipped as the most powerful.

Goddess Durga is worshipped with flowers and lots of lamps . People especially come to celebrate this festival from all over India infact even foreigners come to be a part of this cerimony. Women in white sarees dance along praising and worshipping the goddess, giving up all the bad and welcoming all the good.

Kolkata is also known for its Matka Chai. This tea is famous here and the aroma is marvelous. Its a simple tea thats poured in earthern cups and boiled on charcoal to give it that woody ashy and tandoori aroma. This combination works perfect and has a special place in everyone’s heart.

Matka Chai

Like I always say

“If one wants to travel to see the world, visit Kolkata” -Jeannette Goes

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